From 7 November 2021 people who experience unbearable suffering from a terminal illness will be able to legally ask for medical assistance to end their lives. This is different to end of life palliative care. Hear from experts in the field as they discuss their experiences of palliative care in New Zealand and assisted dying services in Victoria, Australia.
Date: Monday 8 November 2021, 5:30pm for 6:00pm start
Venue: Suter Theatre, 208 Bridge Street, Nelson
Alternatively, join us via Zoom
Registrations for the Suter Theatre, Nelson are now CLOSED. Please feel free to attend via Zoom, see the connection link below.
Nelson location: Suter Theatre, 208 Bridge Street, Nelson
Virtual attendance via Zoom, please click the link below to join the webinar:
This lecture is the third in a series aiming to inform and challenge the Nelson/Marlborough public on current health matters including an equity focus.
End of life choice legislation and the role of palliative care
Dr Jodie Battley is a Palliative Medicine Specialist and Medical Director at Nelson Tasman Hospice. Dr Battley graduated from Otago Medical School in 2004. Since 2007 she has trained in Ireland and completed advanced training in Palliative Medicine in 2016. Dr Battley is widely published in oncology and palliative medicine, including the development of national palliative care clinical guidelines in Ireland. Dr Battley returned to Nelson in 2017. She provides consultation and support for patients and their whānau with complex palliative care needs, focusing on symptom control and optimisation of quality of life.
End of Life Choice Act - local implementation - how does it work here in New Zealand?
Dr Elizabeth Wood is a GP in Mapua near Nelson and has been working there since 2002. She is the Clinical Director Community and Clinical Governance for Nelson Marlborough DHB (Nelson Marlborough Health – NMH) and a member of the Executive Team. She is responsible for the implementation planning for the End of Life Choice Act for NMH.
Working on ensuring NMH is ready to support the requirements of this Act is both a privilege and a scary prospect. Having seen a number of different types of deaths Elizabeth is clear that providing someone who is suffering, with a dignified transition from life, is both an incredibly kind and an incredibly difficult endeavour for all involved.
Voluntary assisted dying in Victoria
Dr Cam McLaren is a Medical Oncologist from Melbourne, Victoria. He has been involved in supporting patients who choose to pursue Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) since the Victorian legislation went live. He has been involved in over 150 cases of application for VAD, and been present at over 50 patient deaths from VAD. He is one of the Clinical Moderators of the Victorian VAD Community of Practice - a forum for VAD-trained doctors in Victoria to share their experiences, and is the founder of VADANZ - Voluntary Assisted Dying practitioners of Australia and New Zealand. He is also conducting a PhD in the effect of VAD on grief and bereavement.
Care Navigator in assisted dying in Victoria
Care Navigator in assisted dying in Victoria
Susan Jury and Melanie Van Diemen are two senior clinician (nurse and social worker) care navigators working in Victoria, Australia. Their primary role is supporting patients, family, doctors and organisations through the assisted dying journey and also connecting patients with practitioners where required.
The Care Foundation is Nelson Marlborough Health’s charity partner and as partners we identify and fund key health initiatives that Government is unable to fund, at both Wairau and Nelson Hospitals and within the communities of the Marlborough, Nelson and Tasman Regions. Funding comes from our community via bequests and general donations, we appreciate any support so please visit our website – The Care Foundation – to find how to donate to our current initiatives.