University of Otago, Wellington
Events hub

Online Masterclass | Hot topics in Rehabilitation

The University of Otago, Wellington invites you to join us for our free online event, Hot Topics in Rehabilitation. This professional development opportunity presents the latest thinking on a range of important contemporary topics for anyone involved in providing rehabilitation services, support or research. The event is led by Te Whare Whakamātūtū (Rehabilitation Teaching and Research Unit, RTRU) team.

Key information

Date: Tuesday, 29 August 2023
Time: 7:00pm–8:00pm
Venue: Online, via Zoom
Cost: Free

Register here to get the Zoom link for the event.

Topics to choose from

The event will include two sessions, each including a short talk, plus the opportunity for discussion and sharing perspectives and experiences.

Session 1 (Keynote - all participants)

Amplifying patient voice in rehabilitation service design and development (Presented by Dr Rachelle Martin)

Why do we need to do it, what should we be aiming for, and how can we do it well?

Session 2 (Participants choose ONE of the following options):

  1. Climate change implications for rehabilitation - Mitigation, adaptation and advocacy. (Presented by Associate Professor Fi Graham)
  2. How can we prepare for and adapt our practice to mitigate the impacts of climate change.

  3. Using stories to transform rehabilitation practice - the how, and why? (Presented by Dr Hem Devan)
  4. Explore the role of story-telling as a therapeutic intervention and approach that supports people to tell and make sense of their own stories to support their health and wellbeing goals.

Considering postgraduate study in rehabilitation?

For those interested, we will also provide a brief summary of rehabilitation study options at the end of the session.

CME Credits

If you are planning to apply for CME credits for attending this masterclass, and require a certificate of attendance, please email: