Anei ētahi kōrero mō Ōtepoti, kei hea hoki te hui o Utaina!, me ētahi atu kōrero whaitake mā koutou e haere mai ai ki te tāone nei.
This page has background about Dunedin, including the Utaina! venue and other information that may be useful for those travelling to the city.
Kei te rūma whakawhitiwhiti kōrero i te rūma A & B o St David Complex, Te Whare Wānanga o Otago, Ōtepoti.
Utaina! will be held in the ground floor seminar room A & B of St David Complex, University of Otago, Dunedin.
He rūma kei Arana College, e $86 te utu ia pō, ka whakauru hoki tēnei i ngā kai. Mēnā ka hiahia koe ki tēnei, whakapā mai ki Arana , ki: rānei
Rooms are available for Utaina! attendees at Arana College, at a cost of $86 per night, including meals. If you are interested in this, please contact Arana or