Assembly of Investment Chairs
Tōpū Poutoko Haumi

University of Otago clocktower

Host organisations

Climate and Energy Finance Group (CEFGroup)

Empowering the private, public and third sectors to make financial decisions for a sustainable future.

Climate change creates profound risks and opportunities for the financial system, yet academic research on these issues is still in its early stages.  The University of Otago is providing global leadership in this field through its Climate and Energy Finance Group (CEFGroup).  CEFGroup is one of the largest groupings in Sustainable Finance in the world and is a founding member of the Global Research Alliance for Sustainable Finance and Investment (GRASFI) and the One Planet Sovereign Wealth Fund research group, placing the Otago Business School in an elite group at the forefront of climate finance. 

NZ Super Fund

The NZ Super Fund is a global investment fund. It was set up in 2001 to partially pre-fund the future cost of New Zealand superannuation. 

By using the NZ Super Fund to save now, the government aims to smooth the cost of New Zealand superannuation between today's taxpayers and future generations.

The Fund has a long-standing commitment to sustainable investment. They believe that environment, social and governance (ESG) factors are material to long term returns, and that we also have a responsibility to consider how portfolio choices affect real work ESG outcomes. Sustainability considerations are therefore integrated into all aspects of the Fund's investment activities.


Accident Compensation Corporation

ACC's investment fund has achieved above-market returns for almost three decades, delivering tens of billions of dollars toward the cost of accident cover in New Zealand, as well as ensuring levies aren’t higher than they need to be. ACC’s investments are guided by a comprehensive ethical investment policy and a commitment to reducing carbon emissions, in step with the Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Act and The Paris Agreement. As a signatory to the UN Principles for Responsible Investment, ACC has made a commitment to implement ESG policies, and to publicly report on these policies and their implementation.

Precinct Properties

Precinct is the largest owner and developer of  inner-city business space in Auckland and Wellington. They're committed to delivering a premium offering and have a strong belief that their properties should both contribute to the life of a city, and be spaces where people and businesses can thrive.

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