Thanks for being a part of the Professional Staff Conference 2022. The resources below may help with planning, creating and delivering your session.
If you find any other resources that might be helpful please feel free to send us the link and we will add them here.
If you have questions, or want to talk through your plan with someone please do get in touch on
LinkedIn Learning has a ton of excellent resources focussed on presentations and workshops. Don’t feel you need to watch the courses in their entirety. Just pick and choose what makes the most sense for your experience and context.
How to Create and Run a Brilliant Remote Workshop (course) by Dave Birss
Creating and Giving Business Presentations (course) by Tatiana Kolovou
Engaging your Virtual Audience (course) by Cassandra Worthy
Managing your Anxiety While Presenting (course) by Matt Abrahams
Presenting Yourself Online (video) by Chris Nodder
Top Tips for Presenting by Don Townsend
These tips are not specific to online presentations, but you may find some useful transferable tips.
Top Ten Slide Design Tips by Garr Reynolds
Create a Presentation Your Audience Will Care About by Nancy Duarte
Poster Sessions by the Writing Center at Colorado State University
The TED Commandments as reported by Tim Longhurst
10 Tips for Delivering a Riveting Webinar by Rob Biesenbach
We Don't Seek Your Perfection, Only Your Authenticity by Garr Reynolds featuring Dr. Brene Brown
The Role of a Facilitator Resources from MindTools
The Great Facilitator by Bob Zimmerman
Facilitation Fundamentals by Ron Milam
How to Write a Good Speech by Daniel Pink
Life After Death by PowerPoint by Don McMillan
Can You Create a High-Level Presentation? by JoAnn Baney from Columbia University
The Secrets of Awesome PowerPoint Handouts by Laura Foley
What does it mean to be authentic? by Sarah Archer
How to Give an Awesome (PowerPoint) Presentation by Wienot Films
5 Tips for the Best Webinars by Scott Skibell
Invitation to Learn How to Moderate a Panel Discussion by Kristin Arnold
Creating Inclusive Programmes & Events, Resources for Presenters (see page 11 in the toolkit, Inclusion Guide for Speakers and Inclusion Guide for Facilitators) by Change Catalyst
Inclusive Language by Courtney Seiter
A Note from Your Colleagues With Hearing Loss: Just Use a Microphone Already by Jessie B. Ramey