Assembly of Investment Chairs
Tōpū Poutoko Haumi
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Assembly of Investment Chairs 2021: Highlights
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2022 Assembly of Investment Chairs website
Craig Stobo
Official Opening
|Taumata, Otago Business School; Chair of Precinct Properties
Grant Robertson
Government Policy
| Minister of Finance
Sean Kidney
Green Bonds and Property: An International Perspective
| Co-founder and CEO, Climate Bonds Initiative
Roy Thompson
Green Construction - NZ Examples and Challenges/Opportunities
| Co-founder and Managing Director, New Ground Capital
Richard Hildler
TCFD Reporting and Green Bonds
| CFO, Precinct Properties New Zealand Ltd
Craig Weise
Green Investment and NZGIF
| CEO, New Zealand Green Investment Finance
Nicola Nation
Impact investing in Aotearoa
| CEO, The Akina Foundation
Renata Blair
The Māori Economy and Iwi Investment
| Head of Māori Sector and Relationships, Bank of New Zealand
Maria English
Measuring impact in NZ
| CEO, Impact Lab Ltd
Annawati van Paddenburgh
Biodiversity Loss: A Risk to the Financial Sector
| Green Growth Professional
Lucas Kengmana
Making and Implementing a Net Zero Commitment
| Senior Investment Strategist at NZ Super Fund
Johannah Dods
ACC Responsible Investment
| Responsible Investment Manager at ACC
CEFGroup Research
Deep Dive into New Zealand Retail ESG Investing Preferences
| Associate Professor Helen Roberts & Dr Renzhu Zhang
Florian Berg
Aggregate Confusion: The Divergence of ESG Ratings
| Postdoctoral Associate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Barry Coates
The Role of ESG Strategies
| Founder and CEO, Mindful Money
Matt Whineray
Resetting the Responsible Investment Compass
| CEO, NZ Super Fund
Chris Douglas
Final Thoughts
| Principal, My Fiduciary