Assembly of Investment Chairs
Tōpū Poutoko Haumi

University of Otago campus at night.


NZ Superannuation Fund

The NZ Superannuation Fund was recently found by respected advisory firm Willis Towers Watson as being at global best practice level. The fund is at the forefront of sustainable investing and one of the founding members of the One Planet Sovereign Wealth Fund group.

The Guardians has a long-standing commitment to Responsible Investment believing that environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors are material to long term returns. ESG considerations are therefore integrated into all aspects of the Fund’s investment activities, from investment selection and due diligence to ownership activities such as monitoring our external investment managers, exercising our voting rights and engaging with companies to improve their ESG policies and practices.

Climate and Energy Finance Group (CEFGroup)

Climate change creates profound risks and opportunities for the financial system, yet academic research on these issues are in their infancy. The University of Otago is providing global leadership in this field through its Climate and Energy Finance Group (CEFGroup). CEFGroup is one of the largest groupings in climate finance in the world and is a founding member of the Global Research Alliance for Sustainable Finance and Investment (GRASFI) and the One Planet Sovereign Wealth Fund research group, placing the Otago Business School in an elite group at the forefront of climate finance.

Precinct Properties

Precinct is the largest owner and developer of premium inner-city business space in Auckland and Wellington. We are committed to delivering a premium offering and have a strong belief that our properties need to both contribute to the life of a city and be places where people and businesses can thrive.

University of Otago campus at night.